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A Year Without A Bra


A Year Without A Bra

Why would I forego this (seemingly) essential article of clothing?  How did living free-boobed lead to feeling empowered? How did I handle the (you guessed it) comments from men? This is my experience going a whole year free-boobed. 


The Spiritual Use of Cannabis


The Spiritual Use of Cannabis

Today, most people have no knowledge of this history — they simply view entheogens either as dangerous “drugs” or as an opportunity for a recreational “high” This is especially true for Cannabis, since eighty years of government prohibition and propaganda have created an intense social stigma around “weed” Yet, of all the entheogens, it is the common Cannabis bud which can provide the most unique state of metacognition and expanded spiritual awareness.


What is a Ganja Goddess?


What is a Ganja Goddess?

I find that cannabis helps me connect to the divine within myself – the part of me that’s connected to you, and to all people, all animals, plants, and life on this planet, and perhaps the universe. 
